Monday, January 4, 2010

Not Made in China

I have recently been talking with various people about the advantages (and disadvantages) of Localization verses Globalization. In an effort to get a proper understanding of the hold that China has on the United States' economy I would like to spend the next year buying only products that are not produced or packaged in China.

My loving wife has agreed (on the condition that it doesn't get out of hand) and so we are good to go. This is the plan. As of January 11th, 2010, Heidi and I will no longer purchase anything that has been made or packaged in China, Vietnam, Laos, Cuba or North Korea (the surviving Communist countries-I'll be referring to their products collectively as CCM-Communist Country Made). Over the next week I am going to be doing some research to try and come up with lists of safe products and brands as well as delving a bit deeper into the economic and social implications buying non-CCM products will have.

This idea of Localization is really catching my fancy so I'll be doing a bit more research on that as well.


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