Monday, January 11, 2010

HTC ftw!

This is the generic message from each of the companies I contacted:
Regarding your concern, XXX has manufacturing plants in many countries around the world. XXX models are not usually manufactured in a particular plant, but in more than one manufacturing facility at the same time. For this reason, it is not possible to determine in which country a unit is manufactured beforehand. However, please note that XXX is a company committed to quality in all the steps of the manufacturing process. All our facilities undergo rigorous quality assurance processes to ensure that all products comply with XXX's high quality standards.
Pretty much says, "Our phones are made/put together in China!" So as you can imagine, getting the following message:

Thank you for contacting HTC Technical Support via email about where our devices are manufactured and put together.

I am happy to provide you that information. All our de
vices are manufactured and assembled in Taiwan. I hope this helps to answer your question about HTC devices.

*w00t* This means the Droid Eris and the Nexus One are good! Now watch as I don't have the money to get a new phone :).

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